Broadway Bar and Restaurant is the best place to order fresh, healthy and affordable food in a serene and relaxed environment. From our lush interior decor to our lively ambiance, we provide a unique experience for every customer. Nevertheless, our delicious meals, tasty drinks, and free delivery make us stand out as the perfect destination for a fine dining experience in Abuja.
Meet The Team
Our Staff are dedicated to giving you excellent meals at the affordable prices. At Broadway Bar and Restaurant, something delicious is always cooking and we are more than excited to bring the flavor to your table.
Olga Opuwari
Mark Yanga
Ngozi Ikechi
Our Restaurant
Broadway Bar and Restaurant is a fully furnished, relaxed and serene lounge that provides premium meals for food lovers everywhere.
Inspired by a burning desire to create exciting culinary experiences for local communities, CEO of Broadway Bar and Restaurant, Mr. Christopher Kanu designed our space to bring a touch of class to fine dining. With a wide selection of freshly made dishes made by our international chefs, an array of cocktails and a tranquil environment, we have perfected the art of healthy dining with a stamp of comfort. Our serene yet metropolitan setting combines seamlessly with a lively ambiance and sets the tone for an unforgettable experience.
To satisfy our customers even further, we deliver our dishes to your doorstep at no extra cost, making sure your cravings never go unsatisfied. As a green establishment, we use our unique eco-friendly bikes to run deliveries around Abuja, ensuring your food gets to you hot and fresh.
his hearty homemade vegetable soup is full of fresh, wholesome flavors. w’re excited to present this vegetable soup recipe to you.